========							======
RoadLink							source
========							======
+ inspireID: Identifier [1]					OSM.roads.osm_id_segments 
+ sourceID: Identifier [1]					OSM.roads.osm_id
+ beginLifeSpanVersion: DateTime [1]			<date of import>
+ endLifeSpanVersion: DateTime [0..1]			<null>
+ validFrom: DateTime [1]					<date of import/<null> if OSM.roads.type=planned/proposed/construction>
+ validTo: DateTime [0..1] 					<null>
+ fictitious: Boolean = false [1]				false
+ centerlineGeometry: GM_Curve [1]				OSM.roads.geometry 
(topologically cleaned)	
+ direction: LinkDirectionValue «codelist»		OSM.roads.oneway
+ fromRoadNode: forein key [1]				RoadNode.inspireID {FK}
+ toRoadNode: forein key   [1]				RoadNode.inspireID {FK}
+ RoadName: CharacterString [0..*] 			OSM.roads.name {street names}
+ nationalRoadCode: CharacterString [0..?] 			OSM.roads.ref {FK}		
+ functionalRoadClass: FunctionalRoadClassValue «enumeration»   OSM.roads.type
+ formOfWay: FormOfWayValue «codelist»				OSM.roads.type
+ roadSurfaceCategory: RoadSurfaceCategoryValue «codelist»	OSM.roads.surface
+ speedLimit: SpeedLimitValue (km/h)				OSM.roads.maxspeed		# beware of units (mph)
+ capacity: NumberOfMaximalTrafficVolumeValue [0..1]		<null>				# non-inspire attribute
+ maximuHeight: Float		(meters)			OSM.roads.maxheight		# beware of (imperial) units 
+ maximumTotalWeight: Float 	(tons)				OSM.roads.maxweight		# Always should be tons in OSM
+ maximumWidth: Float		(meters)			OSM.roads.maxwidth		# beware of (imperial) units
+ vehicleType: VehicleTypeValue	«codeList»			<null>				# used as a restriction

+ inspireID: Identifier [0..1] 					generated
+ beginLifeSpanVersion: DateTime [1]				<date of import>
+ endLifeSpanVersion: DateTime [0..1]				<null>
+ validFrom: DateTime [1]					<date of import>
+ validTo: DateTime [0..1] 					<null>
+ fictitious: Boolean = false [1]				false
+ geometry: GM_Point [1]					generated from RoadLink
+ geographicalName: CharacterString [0..1] 			OSM.highway=motorway_junction.name 	!!! cannot be addressed to RoadNode 
+ formOfRoadNode: formOfRoadNodeValue «codeList»		<null> {Road Transport Network::formOfRoadNode <<codelist>>}

Network::LinkDirectionValue					OSM.roads.oneway
+ bothDirections						0
+ inDirection							1 (follows the way of vectorization)
+ inOppositeDirection						1 (opposite)

FunctionalRoadClassValue					OSM.roads.type
mainRoad							motorway, motorway_link, trunk, trunk_link
firstClass							primary, primary_link
secondClass							secondary, secondary_link
thirdClass							tertiary, tertiary_link
fourthClass							residential, living_street, unclassified
fifthClass							<all other values>

FormOfWayValue							OSM.roads.type
+ bicycleRoad							cycleway
+ dualCarriageway						motorway_link, trunk, trunk_link, primary_link, secondary_link, tertialy_link
+ enclosedTrafficArea						raceway
+ entranceOrExitCarPark						<not a corresponding value>
+ entranceOrExitService						<not a corresponding value>
+ freeway							<not a corresponding value>
+ motorway							motorway
+ pedestrianZone						<not a corresponding value>
+ roundabout							<not a corresponding value>
+ serviceRoad							<not a corresponding value>
+ singleCarriageway						<all other values>
+ slipRoad							<not a corresponding value>
+ tractor							<not a corresponding value>
+ trafficSquare							<not a corresponding value>
+ walkway							pedestrian, footway, steps, path

VehicleTypeValue 						!!!ToBeSpecifiedBy Tomas Reznik
+ vehicleWithExplosiveLoad					explosive
+ vehicleWithOtherDangerousLoad					flammable, corrosive, oxidizing
+ vehicleWithWaterPollutingLoad					toxic				
[další typy řešit jen, bude-li někdo vyžadovat]

RoadSurfaceCategoryValue 					OSM.roads.surface
+ paved								paved, asphalt, cobblestone, cobblestone:flattened, sett, concrete, concrete:lanes, concrete:plates, paving_stones, paving_stones:30, paving_stones:20, metal  
+ unpaved							<all other values>

+ z_order: Int = 0 [1]						If OSM.roads.bridge=1 then z_order=1 if OSM.roads.tunnel=1 then z_order=-1